Your kind really vexes the shit out of me. And by "your kind" I mean people who act like going to a goddamn club 4 out 7 days a week is their fucking job.
"Ahh shit, it's Thursday night...better get on my clubbing uniform and head on out."
***looks in closet, picks out a striped shirt and $150 jeans with pre-manufactured holes in it***
Why don't you cunts ever do anything that doesn't involve poisoning your liver and playing chicken with communicable diseases? Oh, here's a really radical idea...how about you read a fucking book once in a while? I know reading is for losers who don't get any pussy and all, but maybe you'll learn something. That way your life won't be completely pointless once you turn 35 and are no longer welcome in the VIP section because you've been replaced by a new crop of striped shirt wearing fucktards.